Columbia virtual campus collage
Columbia Virtual Campus

UX Designer

August 2020

Columbia Virtual Campus was designed to serve the Columbia Community during the COVID-19 pandemic by offering virtual events and resources to students who found themselves in no circumstances.
One task presented was to create a new page for the Columbia Virtual Campus Website. We took a traditional design approach and ideated, iterated and got feedback on prototypes before pushing a final design to the developer team.
low fidelity prototype
low fidelity prototype
high fidelity prototype
The design team was tasked to conduct user testing comparing the old version of the site with a new version containing a visual update. The team wanted to obtain both qualitative and quantitative feeback from users we tested to better understand the problem areas on the site.
Rainbow testing grid
This method of user testing allowed us to visually qualify data based on how users interacted with it. It proved to be useful in summarizing data and identifying problem areas that most users struggled with. This method was effective and gave useful qualitative and quantitative infromation about how our designs were interacted with. Our findings showed large sticking points on different ppages of the current site, and also showed some aspects to be improved on the redesign.
Rainbow testing results